Sleep and biological rhythms

Humans cannot survive without sleep. All living beings that have a brain must sleep. The brain can only regenerate during sleep.

And what does sleep have to do with mood and inner drive?

While reading, I came across astonishing connections between biological rhythms and sleep on the one hand and mood and inner drive on the other. Among other things, I did not know,

  • that all people are subject to biological rhythms that we cannot escape, so there are “larks” and “owls“.
  • if you live against your biorhythm, you risk illnesses, e.g. mood swings
  • So-called “owls” in particular, i.e. people whose chronotype is shifted backwards in time, often have problems in a world of larks, i.e. early risers
  • People with mood swings need a stable daily structure that applies every day of the week, including weekends. If this structure is disrupted, e.g. by shift work, this can trigger episodes.
  • Our modern living environment takes little account of these biological and temporal rhythms:
  • We get too little light during the day
  • we have too much light at night
  • we often eat at the wrong time in relation to our biorhythm
  • We take medication that disturbs the quality of our sleep
  • With the sleep hormone melatonin, some amino acids, the salt of inner peace and other vital substances, sleep can be supported without side effects